
Surviving Spouse Benefits: RTOERO will be there

Mar 02, 2024

There are few life situations as challenging as the death of a spouse or, for dependent children, the death of their parents/caregivers. Be assured that RTOERO will be there. If the primary member of the RTOERO Entente Group Insurance Plan dies, surviving spouses or dependent(s) can become members and enjoy the same benefits.

What to expect:

  • Johnson Insurance needs to receive the death certificate. The spouse doesn’t need to call or email themselves—a call or email can come from a friend, family member, district goodwill coordinator or funeral home. Johnson can be reached at 416-920-7248 or 1-877-406-9007, or by email at [email protected].
  • Johnson Insurance sends the surviving spouse or dependent a continuation of benefits form and postage-paid envelope. The form needs to be completed and sent back.
  • The surviving spouse or dependent will then become an RTOERO member if they aren’t already. They will be enrolled in the Entente benefits.
  • All historical file notes and claims history will transfer to the surviving spouse’s record. They’ll receive a new benefits package, card, and a welcome package from RTOERO.